01. Maverick, The Thirty-Ninth Star (1958), Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc.
02. The Conjectural Maverick, Maverick Trails
Farfan, Charles W.
Townsman of Grantsville,[1] Utah Territory,[2] in 1876.[1] (December 15, 1842[2] – July 4, 1876[1])
An untrustworthy man, supporter of Charles Sanderson Stuart and disliked by Janet Kilmer.[1]
On the evening of July 3, 1876, Farfan lost $600 to Bart Maverick in a poker game in Grantsville. The next morning, the two of them shared a stagecoach ride[1] to Salt Lake City[2] with Judge Somervell, Janet Kilmer and Quincy Bigelow. When they arrived at the Capital City Hotel, Bart accidentally switched suitcases with Somervell. Shortly after checking into his room, Bart was lured out of his room by a false message. While Bart was out of his room, Bigelow snuck in through the window from his room next door and stole the suitcase, believing it contained Bart's poker winnings. Knowing Bart was answering the false message, Farfan broke into Bart's room after Bigelow left through the window, looking for the suitcase that Bigelow had just stolen. Farfan returned to his own room where he got into an argument with a member of the Stuart Machine who killed him with a blunt instrument. A few minutes later, after Bart realized he had been lured out of his room and discovered the suitcase was gone, he suspicioned Farfan had stolen it to reclaim his poker losings. Bart went to Farfan's room to confront him, only to find him dead.[1]
Charles W. Farfan
Portrayed by Mark Tapscott
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