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01. Maverick, The Wrecker (1957), Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc.

02. The Conjectural Maverick, Maverick Trails

03. The Wrecker; Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne, — Charles Scribner's Sons; 1892

Goddedaal, Elias


Ship's mate to Captain Wicks aboard the Flying Scud,[1] in 1871. (December 1, 1825February 1, 1871)[2]


In December of 1870,[2] Goodedaal shipped out of China with Captain Wicks aboard the Flying Scud.[1] Two months later,[3] they spotted the signal fire of the crew[1] of the Currency Lass,[3] marooned on Midway island. Wicks took the castaways aboard, but learned of their valuable shipment of pearls. Goddedall entered all the names of the castaways and the story of their ship lost at sea. Wicks demanded the castaways give him and his crew all their pearls[1] in payment for their rescue.[3] When the castaways refused, a fight broke out, and the entire crew of the Flying Scud was killed. The next day, a British man-of-war found the castaways who — to cover up the killings — pretended to be Captain Wicks and his crew. Paul Carthew, one of the castaways, found and kept Wicks' logue, intending to destroy it as evidence of the killings. The man-of-war took the castaways aboard and set sail for San Francisco. During the voyage, Carthew read Wicks' logue and learned that Goddedall had kept another logue that could incriminate him and his shipmates. Upon arrival in San Francisco, Carthew, posing as Goddedaal, reported the Flying Scud shipwrecked at Midway. The ship's owners subsequently put the wreck up for auction, which Carthew intended to buy and return to Midway to recover and destroy Goddedall's logue. Posing as a common crewman named Matthew Higgins, Carthew arranged with Captain Nares to sail aboard the Norah Creina, chartered by Bart Maverick, to salvage the wreck of the Flying Scud. Once back aboard the wreck, he found Goddedaal's logue. Several days later, adrift at sea in one of the Norah Creina's small boats with slim chance of being rescued, Carthew confessed his story to Bart. After making amends with Bart and realizing they were about to be rescued, Carthew handed Goddedaal's logue to Bart who threw it overboard, destroying the last evidence against the crew of the Currency Lass.[2]


See: The Wrecker

Elias Goddedaal









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