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01. Maverick, Point Blank (1957), Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc.

02. The Conjectural Maverick, Maverick Trails

Jordan, Ralph


Bank officer in Bent Forks,[1] Nebraska in 1871. (August 15, 1839July 31, 1871)[2]


Ralph Jordan worked for his uncle, Mr. Nelson, at the bank in Bent Forks,[1] Nebraska.[2] He saw no future for himself as a bank officer in such a small western town.[1] In 1870,[2] he met Molly Gleason in St. Louis,[1] who was working in saloon.[2] Both felt they could do better than live their lives as they had been, and plotted a scheme so they disappear and enjoy a better life together. Upon returning to Bent Forks with Molly, they would wait until cattle season, when money was changing hands in large amounts. Once the bank safe held $100,000, Jordan would steal the money. They intended to find a drifter with a passing resemblance to Jordan, blow his face off with a shotgun, and leave the body dressed in Jordan's clothes so they wouldn't be followed.[1]


One night in 1871,[2] Ralph Jordan robbed his uncle's bank of $100,000. To make good his and Molly 's escape together, he intended to have Molly lure Bret Maverick out to a deserted farmhouse, where he would blow Bret's face off with a shotgun at point-blank range. Bret realized he was being set up in time to surprise Jordan earlier than expected. Unprepared for Bret's early arrival, Jordan pulled a gun on Bret. Jordan's shot missed, but Bret's return fire killed Jordan.[1]


See: Point Blank

Ralph Jordan

Portrayed by Mike Connors









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