01. The Story of Salix, Iowa; City of Salix Iowa (retrieved August 1, 2015)

02. The Conjectural Maverick, Maverick Trails

03. Maverick, Stampede (1957), Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc.



Railroad town on the Missouri River in Iowa.[1]


Platted in 1868 with the coming of the Sioux City and Pacific Railroad. Situated on the east side of Missouri River. Originally named New Buffalo, but received it's name from the Latin term for the area's ubiquitous willow tree, salix longfolis.[1]



Stampede: In April of 1877,[2] Bret Maverick and Dandy Jim Buckley swam ashore from an island in the Missouri River at Winnebago Bend and walked to Salix, the nearest town. There, the sold Buckley's ring for two horses and outfits and $80. From there, they rode north along the Missouri for Vermillion, Dakota Terrotory.[3]

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