01. Maverick, Trail West to Fury (1957), Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc.
02. The Conjectural Maverick, Maverick Trails
Union Army Lieutenant
Union Army Lieutenant in charge of the Union Army platoon in Little Bend, Texas[1] in 1867.[2]
Assigned to protect government interests and uphold law and order in Little Bend during Reconstruction in Little Bend after the Civil War.[1]
In August of 1867,[2] he was called upon to oversee the legal transaction between Jessie Hayden and the Maverick Brothers in a matter of $1,650 in gold. He informed Bret Maverick of the identity of Laura Miller. Other than her name, all he knew of her was that she had moved to Little Bend four years earlier with her father.[1]
After Jessie Hayden signed a deposition accusing the Maverick Brothers of killing two of his men in cold blood, the Lieutenant was charged with apprehending the Mavericks on murder charges. He led a platoon of the Union Army after the Miller cattle drive in an attempt to capture them, but returned to Little Bend without them.[1]
See: Trail West to Fury
Union Army Lieutenant
Portrayed by James Hope
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